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Five Minutes with Eley Hawk Sponsored Shooter, Bernadette Quinn.





How long have you used Eley cartridges?

I have been using Eley cartridges now for 7 years. I joined the team in 2017 and have been using Eley products ever since.


Favourite load(s) and why:

My favourite load is DTL Golds 7.5 28g. I would have experienced recurring shoulder problems when using standard clay cartridges over the years, but when I moved to Eley cartridges, I experienced very low recoil without the speed being jeopardised with the DTL Golds.


What do you love most about Eley cartridges?:

What I love most about Eley cartridges is that prior to stepping out to compete I have full confidence in my product. I never have to worry about a misfire or doubt that this cartridge won’t perform during all weather conditions. I have familiarised myself with the pattern and speed of the cartridge.


Gun(s) used:

I used a Kreighoff 12 gauge over/under shotgun. Fixed choke.


Greatest shooting achievement:

I have been very fortunate in the past but the one that probably stands out is being the first Irish lady in history to shoot a 100/300 in DTL.


Competitions won in last five years:

European ladies DTL champion

Second time winning the British ladies' DTL Title

3 Day High Gun in Class A English Open Weekend

Lady winner of Eley sponsored Day at Bywell

Ulster Open Ladies title x2

Irish Open ladies' champion

Irish Open A class champion

Irish close lady champion X2

Mackintosh Trophy winning ladies' Team


Favourite ground/shoot:

My favourite shooting ground would be Esker, Ireland, but my favourite shooting competition would be the English Open weekend which takes place in Bywell, England.


Most valuable tips:

The most valuable tip that I would give would be preparation. Prior to competition day double check your kitbag, I usually have two of everything. Arrive at the ground in sufficient time to get organised with parking to identify which is the starting layout etc. Prior to starting the competition, take time to help limit the distractions around you before you step up to compete, this will help you gain a competitive mindset.


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