![CORY DOBLE](/sites/default/files/inline-images/Cory_Doble_Large.jpg)
Five Minutes with Eley Hawk Sponsored Shooter, Cory Doble.
How long have you used Eley cartridges?
I have used Eley cartridges for the past 5 years and have been sponsored for 4 years.
Favourite load(s) and why:
My favourite Eley cartridge is the VIP trap in 28g 7.5, I’ve stuck with these as they are a very quick cartridge but also hold a tight pattern for the long-range shots. They are smooth and low on recoil which is good for when I’m away shooting for several days at a time.
What do you love most about Eley cartridges?:
My favourite part about Eley cartridges is the consistency, every cartridge is exactly the same which plays a large part in shooting to a high standard.
Gun(s) used:
Beretta 692 X-Trap 32”
Greatest shooting achievement:
My greatest achievement to date is representing England 3 times in one year for 3 different disciplines, this was my 3rd England Cap for ABT, my first England Cap for OTR and my first England Cap for DTL, this was the same year I captained the England junior team at the Home International. To date, I have now represented England 6 times across 3 different disciplines.
Competitions won in last five years:
In the last 5 years, my major wins have been the DTL European Colt champion, English Open DTL and ABT junior champion. ABT Home international junior high gun. North region ABT champion. British ABT, DTL junior and Colt Champion.
In the last five years, I’ve also won many other national titles and county championships.
Favourite ground/shoot:
Spennymoor And District clay pigeon club due to their support and providing great training facilities with challenging targets.
Most valuable tips:
Don’t be afraid to mix things up trying new things such as different disciplines and different cartridges until you find the one’s you prefer and have confidence in.
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