Five Minutes with Eley Hawk Sponsored Shooter, Michael Drever.
Olympic Trap (Para Trap) and a bit of ABT when shooting for Orkney.
How long have you used Eley cartridges?
2 years now.
Favourite load(s) and why:
Titanium strike 24g 7.5’s – very simply, they pattern best with my gun giving me absolute confidence in my equipment. Additionally, they are fantastic for those long-range second barrels when required.
What do you love most about Eley cartridges?:
The consistency and quality at their respective price points and ability to smash clays at a variety of distances.
Gun(s) used:
Beretta 692 black trap.
Greatest shooting achievement:
- Representing Scotland, Orkney & GBR
- Being a more consistent and truly world-class shooter in 2022
- Being able to compete at the highest level in my sport
- 2021 British Para Trap Champion
Competitions won in last five years:
- British Shooting Shotgun Series 2022 round 1 – Bronze.
- Scottish Double Trap Para Clay Champion 2021 and 2022.
- British Para Trap Champion 2021.
- British Shooting Shotgun Series 2021 - Gold, Silver and Bronze from 4 events.
- Silver at the British Shooting Grand Final 2019.
- Silver at East Yorkshire Grand Prix 2020.
- ‘D Class’ British Open Champion Automatic Ball Trap 2019.
- Scottish Olympic Trap Para Clay Champion 2017, 2018, 2021.
Favourite ground/shoot:
The Al Ain equestrian shooting and golf club in the United Arab Emirates is the best ground I’ve been lucky enough to shoot at. Beautiful green grass, trees in the distance as a background and it's always sunny and warm there.
Most valuable tips:
Stick to the plan
Be honest with yourself, know your capabilities and be realistic.
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