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Five Minutes with Eley Hawk Sponsored Shooter, Owain Humphreys.



Olympic Trap


How long have you used Eley cartridges?

4 to 5 years


Favourite load(s) and why:

Eley Superb 24g 7’s. A fantastic cartridge as I like the soft recoil and there isn’t much muzzle flip which is handy for the second barrel. Also, it has a very consistent pattern.


What do you love most about Eley cartridges?:

They are affordable, great for any discipline, and provide excellent performance, giving me the confidence to excel at competitions. They are reliable and are soft on the shoulder.


Gun(s) used:

DT11 trap


Greatest shooting achievement:

Welsh Olympic Trap Open Champion 2023


Competitions won in last five years:

Welsh Olympic Trap Open Champion 2023

British Shooting Junior Men Gold Medal at the Grand Final 2022

Team Silver at the Nordic Championship in Finland 2022

Home International Olympic Trap junior

high gun at Griffin Lloyd August 2021

Home International Olympic trap winning junior team at Bisley August 2019

British Shooting shotgun series silver medal in July 2021


Favourite ground/shoot:

I enjoy shooting at all the venues I compete at, but my favourite ones are certainly Griffin Lloyd Shooting Ground and Fauxdegla Premier Plus shooting ground.


Most valuable tips:

Olympic trap is 90% mental and requires full concentration for each shot. However, it is important to always enjoy shooting as it allows you to relax, have fun, and even perform better. When you start, it is imperative to have an experienced coach to help guide you through the ropes of clay pigeon shooting. Always have a gun that fits you properly.


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